I had decided that sewing was simply not an option for me this late in my pregnancy. The sewing machine is cumbersome and I didn't want my big belly to interfere with my project. So I researched some "no sew" alternative tutorials online. Not only was I able to make some "No Sew Pillows" but I made some curtains as well!
Here's all you need to make the pillows:

* 1 square pillow
* 1 roll of Stitch Witchery
* scissors
* iron
* ironing board
* white cloth
* tape measure
* fabric of choice
1. measure your pillow, mine was 12 x 12
2. add two inches to each side, so mine was 14 x 14 and cut your fabric accordingly

3. Then subtract 5 inches from one side of your dimensions, so 14 x 9
4. Cut two pieces of fabric accordingly, so my two pieces were 14x 9 and 14 x 9
5. Fold and iron a 1 inch hem as shown in the picture above
6. Place stitch witchery strip underneath the hem and iron to make hem.
*Make sure to use your white damp cloth on top of the fabric directly underneath the iron so as not to burn the fabric.
7. Lay larger piece of fabric (14x14) right side up (pretty side facing up)
8. Covering the larger piece, lay one of the smaller pieces right side down with the hem at the top of the fabric
9. Again covering the larger piece, lay the other smaller piece right side down with the hem at the bottom of the fabric.
10. Finally use the Stitch Witchery to line the four sides of the three pieces of fabric. Basically bonding the sides of the square together. Use your iron to do this.
11. Let the fabric cool for 5-10 minutes. Flip the fabric inside out and your work is complete! :) Go ahead and stuff your pillow!

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