Today was an awesome! The weather was absolutely beautiful and best of all Ariston went to church for the very first time! We were so excited to get back to the church we love and seeing all the people we love :) He did so well too! Besides the wide eyed glare he gave us when we took him into the dark, loud worship service, he was perfectly content sleeping in his carrier. Micah and I were so glad we didn't have to run out with a crying baby. Yay Ariston!
We love the Summit Church. Micah and I started attending and eventually became members when we were in college. In our years there we have fallen in love with the vision the church has for the RDU area and for the world. Our pastor, J.D. Greear is faithful to preaching the gospel through the grace of Jesus and we are blessed with hearing the Word of God each and every time. This morning J.D. spoke on the importance of "growing up" as Christians. Reading in 1 Peter 2, Peter reminds us that in Christ we need nourishment in order to grow in Christ.
"Like newborn babies, crave spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good." 1 Peter 2:2-3Basically, if we aren't feasting on the Word, we are starving ourselves and retarding our spiritual growth. This particularly hit home for me at this stage in my life with Ariston. Ariston is so dependent on me feeding him milk in order for him to grow and develop. If I decided to stop feeding Ariston he would die. When Ariston is nourished with milk he continues to grow and will one day grow into a mature man. It's the same way with me spiritually. I am killing myself spiritually if I do not nourish myself with the Word of God. Without it, I am finding my hope in other things that do not satisfy (I think of these things as pacifiers-excuse my mommy analogies). When I put all my hope in my marriage, or success, or money, I might be satisfied for a while but that pacifier will never give me the nutrients that milk does. The Word of God is imperishable, it does not fade and will not fail me. My marriage, though wonderful, will not last forever because one of us will eventually die, the same goes for success and money. They do not last. Jesus does. The Word of God stands firm and is the only thing that can bring me joy in the midst of despair. Everything else just gives me a quick pleasure, a momentary joy, but the Word of God is what fills me and satisfies in such a way that helps me grow up in my spiritual body.
I don't think it a coincidence that God chose to speak to me in that way today. I have been so wrapped up in nourishing my newborn son that I have honestly put my spiritual life on the back burner. However, the Lord reminded me today that it is imperative for me to nourish myself spiritually in order to be the best mommy I can be for Ariston. I know how important it is for me to feed him, I need to also be feeding myself-feasting on the Word of God.